Monday, December 22, 2014

Throwing Only Innova Discs

Now Innova is the leading disc golf manufacturer, by a long shot. They have far more disc models and plastic types than any other disc golf brand. You'd think I'd be able to find at least one Innova disc that fits the job for me, and this is mostly true. The tricky thing is that because they have so many discs, it's hard to narrow down the best, and figure out which ones are right.

During my first few Innova only rounds I chose the Max, and the TeeRex as my overstable forehand driver. The Star Max I chose was a little domeyer than I like for my flick shots, but the TeeRex felt good. Unfortunately for my scores and round frustrations, the TeeRex just didn't work for me. I consistently turned the TeeRex over. This disc wasn't nearly as overstable as I needed. The Max also didn't do it for my forehand shots. I found that a new Star Destroyer was more overstable and worked better for my flicks than did the TeeRex.

After about three Innova rounds I pulled out a max weight Glow Champion Firebird. This disc finally provided the stability I need for consistent forehand throws. Originally, I didn't choose the Firebird because a Champion Firebird was one of my original discs when I first started playing three years ago. The original Firebird I had was quite domey, and not very stable. The flatter glow firebird I am now throwing is far more stable.

The other issue I had with finding an Innova disc I like is with the putters. From past experience, I know I don't like the shape of the classic Aviar, and the way it feels in my hand for my putting motion, and Innova has so many "Aviar" discs, I didn't know which ones to try. For my first couple rounds I chose the JK Aviar-X, I like the plastic and feel of this Aviar, but it wasn't quite as deep as I like in a putter. Then I grabbed the R-Pro pig, a much bulkier putter, but this one is a little bit too bulky for what I like.

I also grabbed the Nova for approach shots, which I absolutely love, awesome disc for fan grip style approaches, and found myself actually putting with this disc as well. I like the nice stiff feel of the Nova.

Now that winter has come and gone, Innova has released a new disc, the Whale which finally fits the putter feel I like. This putter gives me the confidence I need to make all of my short putts, and is the right depth and stability for what I am used to. The XT plastic is just awesome. Grippy enough, but not too sticky, and unlike base line plastic, it actually is pretty tough and will last for years.